Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's a GIVEthing

Ok everyboy and everygirl, I want to tell you about a great idea created by my blogshares friend , StoryCharms, who has used Audrey Hepburn (IMHO one of the most beautiful women of all time) as her avatar.

It's a GIVEthingAnyway, StoryCharms has started up a new 'community portal' website (clink the link) for people to discuss charities, fundraising events and basically anything which is related to GIVING (that's why it's called a GIVEthing, folks.) She has even designed buttons for people to say that they GIVE.

This is the sort of thing that we all think about as being a great idea, but it has actually been done and the site is quite user friendly and IMHO quite pretty. I especially like the little plaster icons used for the forum threads. So, go on, GIVE it a try, GIVE today. Or at least talk about it on StoryCharm's site.

And, a big
THANK YOU StoryCharms
to StoryCharms, who also sent me this button.

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